Promotion/Dissemination activity Report for news/publications
On May 7th, the second meeting of the National Advisory Board Spain took place. The meeting was held online, focusing on discussing the project's status and the future of SeetheSkills once it concludes for its continuity. Among the attendees were ITeC and BIM Academy...
Insight into the sustainability plans of SEEtheSkills-Where to after the project end?
SEEtheSkills project stands in front of the challenge for energy-efficient construction of new and renovation of existing building stocks and to act at market level to stimulate the demand for previously developed and new or upgraded energy skills. Its goal is by...
International conference VIRTUAL BIM TOUR
International conference VIRTUAL BIM TOUR, took place on February 29, 2024 in the LOFT Hotel, Bratislava. The conference is organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, STU in Bratislava in cooperation with the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers, as part of the...
Public documents that provide more details about the implementation of a specific task
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