Project deliverables
Find below all published deliverables of the SEEtheSkills project for download. This page is regularly updated and more deliverables will be made available here as soon as possible. If you find any broken links feel free to let us know here
D7.4 Communication tools
This document presents the design of project promotional materials created for external communication about and on the project. Communication tools document include:
- Project logo
- Project banner
- Folder and notes
- Project branded pen
- Project leaflet
- Project brochure
D7.3 Web site concept document
This document describes the organization of the project web site, platform on which will be built, some concept idea and tools/functionalities that need to be in-built.
D6.3 Promotional short video for repository and e-learning platform
The video is prepared as animated easy to follow story, tackling the interest of the viewers, and provoking further engagement in the project results. It is in duration of 1,43 min, thus having the viewer’s attention all the time.
The video promote the Intergrated Repository and its functionalities in English language and also it has 5 national versions, such as Spanish, Slovak, Slovenian, Macedonian and Dutch.
All videos including national versions can be found on the following link
D6.2 Promotional brochures and leaflets for Integrated repository of skills and e-learning platform
This document presents the design of the promotional materials for the Intergrated Register and its functionalities.
D6.1 General report on validation, evaluation and replication of the SEEtheSkills Integrated repository
The document “Report on Validation, Evaluation, and Replication of SEEtheSkills Integrated Repository” details the validation, evaluation, and replication of an integrated repository aimed at enhancing energy skills in the construction sector. The integrated repository consolidates databases of training schemes, skilled professionals, and energy-efficient construction materials, facilitating skill and resource matching. Key functionalities include an e-learning platform, microlearning tools, a recognition of prior learning (e-RPL) tool, a self-assessment app, digital badges, and a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) web tool.
The document evaluates these tools’ effectiveness through user engagement and surveys, demonstrating their impact on energy skill validation and market demand stimulation. Replication efforts in other EU countries are also outlined to promote wider adoption of the SEEtheSkills repository and tools, contributing to the project’s sustainability and broader impact.
D5.7 “Why energy skills?“ Report
Reducing energy consumption is closely linked and dependent on the readiness of workers who participate in individual construction activities, but also those who participate in the preparation of project documentation, including all professions. The link between energy skills and quality of construction will is represented by conducting case studies for measuring reduction of performance gap when using skilled engineers.
The “Why Energy Skills?” report highlights the critical role of energy skills in the construction sector to enhance energy efficiency. It underscores the integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Building Energy Modeling (BEM) to reduce the performance gap between predicted and actual energy usage through detailed simulations, optimized material selection, and effective facility management.
The report provides case studies demonstrating lifecycle approaches for energy reduction, from design and construction to maintenance. Additionally, it explores the potential of digital twins for real-time energy efficiency management and emphasizes the need to make energy skills visible, validated, and valuable to stimulate market demand and support the creation of energy-efficient buildings, contributing to sustainable development goals.
D5.5 Concept of sustainable energy skills Digital badge
This tool is an innovative solution that will be subjected to certification as certified trademark and it includes skills, knowledge, and competence that a worker has ever gained. It will contain an information on the education of the worker in formal and non-formal form. The Digital Badge will provide the list of trainings that have levelled all learning outcomes with the predefined minimum requirements to mark the individual competences.
Digital Badge will be implemented on the Professionals register within Integrated Register of energy skills.
D5.6 Digital leaflet on “Find your craftsman” functionality
This leaflet provide you an information how to access and advantage matching and finding professional with most adequate skills as required, that can be also available in terms of geographical distance and engagement availability.
Documents can be downloaded on the link below ↓
Link to BUILD UP Skills Advisor in Play Store
D5.4 POE (Post Occupancy Evaluation) Web tool
D5.2 Promotional video “Our tenants appreciate energy skills”
The SEEtheSkills project create a survey which was conducted to hear the opinion of end users of buildings, in terms of comfort for living and to identify whether they recognize the benefits of energy skills. The best ideas we have recorded it and below you can find the video produced, covering important parts of national videos in all partner countries. If you want to go deeper and review the experience of the home owners, you can download our report in PDF called Ask the tenants.
D5.1 Report from on-line survey on awareness on energy skills
This document is prepared within the WP5 – Stimulation of raising market value of energy skills (Expressing skills’ value), Deliverable No.5.1 Report from on-line survey on awareness on energy skills, which results out of Task 5.1 Activities toward raising public awareness on energy skills.Reducing energy consumption is closely linked and dependent on the readiness of workers who participate in individual construction activities, but also those who participate in the preparation of project documentation, including all professions. In the construction market, it is therefore essential to stimulate demand for new or increased skills in the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency (EE) in construction.
This survey focuses on the area of increasing the value of energy skills, which is closely linked to increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. The output data will result in better understanding how the energy skills are perceived by the industry stakeholders and defining the state-of-art. It will be used as a source for decision making process by Consortium partners to better aim the stimulation strategy.
Download the report
D4.5 Mobile app for self assessment of energy skills
Personal growth and professional development are based first on the awareness of person for possibilities for upskilling and carrier progress. In terms of powering another service that the Integrated repository of energy skills can support.
It is web based and connected to the ULO database of the repository that enable leveling of skills against predefined minimum standards and results with creation of report with eventual recommendation for upskilling through the training offer from BUS Advisor database.
D4.4 Digital leaflet “Learn through Game in SEEtheSkills”
This document provides you an information on how to upskill yourself fast with gamified learning tools. BUILD UP Skills Advisor app gives you an opportunity to dive into your leraning journey. You can learn in a quick and interactive way. Below you can find the link with PPT and leaflet with more info.
D4.3 The Concept of e-RPL tool
The process of recognition of previous learning is based on defined steps of identification, documentation, evaluation and certification and is completely compatible with the recommendations of European Training Foundation. As so, it can be easily adjusted as on-line process, as the communication to identify the necessary skills, submitting documentation for evaluation, the evaluation of submitted documents and issuing certification can be realized through web-based platform for the Integrated register and e-
This document is the Concept of the web-based tool to serve for the digital e-RPL process. The tool will be available within the SEEtheSkills Integrated Register, through the project web page under menu e-Tools.
D4.2 Transferring methodology for RPL “How to use previous learning in upskilling
This deliverable contains a brief introduction into the process and the corresponding process for establishment of “certification environment” through establishment of certification body that will perform the whole process of validation further on during the project, the printable publication in the form of toolkit “How to use previous learning in upskilling”.
The process of recognition of previous learning is legal path for obtaining qualification as defined in European qualification framework. Thus, using this procedure for validation of informal and non–formal learning as legal path for certification of skilled workers is enabling taking into account knowledge and skills that workers usually obtain at workplace and during life. It supports lifelong learning process and acknowledges its achievements. As pioneer work, methodology for the process of recognition of previous learning was developed and piloted by UKIM in previous BUS pillars, achieving a huge success and acceptance by workers and companies. Here, this process was adjusted and generalized to be useful for different training schemes and occupations across the entire value chain in construction, with a goal to cover all training schemes listed in BUS Advisor database.
D3.6 E-learning platform within SEEtheSkills area
This document provides a complex task of analysis and documentation of different LMS options that are available in the market, as well as interpretation of the requirements of SEEtheSkills as an international initiative of the European Union, the following conclusions and recommendations can be presented:
- The available data shows that the use of online learning tools is on the rise all over the planet, presenting an exponential growth starting on the year 2020, so the context is more than favorable for the implementation of this initiative as part of the project
- Online platforms, when properly used, significantly favor accessibility to knowledge both from the perspective of the professionals who use them and from employers or organizations that seek permanent training for their staff or collaborators
- The use of an LMS is perfectly aligned with the skills microlearning format that seeks to promote among those who benefit from their certification through the work that is being developed
- The proposal of implementing an online learning platform is correctly justified within in a general framework that seeks to stimulate the acquisition of tools and skills that contribute to the digitization of the construction sector, an essential step to increase its sustainability
- There is a wide range of LMS, with specific strengths and weaknesses for a wide variety of uses. When comparing features, the possibility of the chosen system being open source and free was prioritized as the main desirable feature, minimizing costs, and promoting the collaborative work scheme of a project such as SEEtheSkills
- Considering the previous observation, the number of available alternatives was considerably reduced. According to the criteria of the authors of this report, Moodle was selected as the most favorable option for the fulfillment of the proposed goals.
- It should be noted that there are more robust platforms than Moodle available in the market, as evidenced in part of the documentation presented, however, the most recommended among these have the considerable disadvantage of implying costs that cannot be assumed at this stage of the project.
D3.3 Creation of cross-skills qualification: the needs, possibilities and benefits
This document results activities set out in project Task 3.2 regarding Transferring and replication of training schemes between project partners through the BUS Advisor app. This report covers the topic of Energy Efficiency in all phases of the project life cycle from the point of view of architect, engineers, EE specialists, constructors, supervisors, and operators with many examples of incorrect designs and unprofessional results on the construction site.
These errors and problems demonstrate the importance of education in the topic of Energy Efficiency (EE) for individual professionals – white-collar and blue-collar workers and also the need for cross-craft education. In the individual chapters are summarized the needs, possibilities, and benefits based on these detailed theoretical and practical information
D3.2 Report on upgrading BUILD UP Skills Advisor
In this report an overview is given on how the BUILD UP Skills advisor is extended to suit the needs of the SEEtheSkills project.
The BUILD UP Skills advisor app (BUS-app) is an app with underlying database for providing personalized upskilling advice. It is developed with the purpose to inform and advise craftsmen and professionals working in the building sector; about upskilling opportunities around sustaining of the built environment.
In SEEtheSkills the database for storing training schemes will be built upon well-established BUS-app. The BUS-app will be implemented/filled with training schemes offered by partner institutions for which they have the ownership of IPR and will ensure transparent storage of available training schemes that will be part of open offer for upskilling of interested workers and professionals based on in SEEtheSkills the defined procedures. Functionality described will be developed based on the needs that pop-up during realization and testing of the Integrated SEEtheSkills repository.
The resulting database will be open for deposition of training offer by external parties, i.e. training providers that will express interest to promote their training offer through SEEtheSkills on-line repository of skills. For each training course relevant data will be stored that are necessary to ease replication of training schemes which is one of the expected results of the project.
D2.1 Inter-regional survey on the measures toward EE in different countries
The overall survey conducted encompassed of several different approaches, providing a very comprehensive way to make an overview of the current status of the energy skills in the project countries area.
The obtained results will serve in the next phases of the project to create a corresponding actions in order to provide the necessary environment and to enable upskilling and reskilling of building workforce in accordance with the identified needs, gaps, and technology advancements.
Some general conclusions are toward:
- The actions to provide the VISIBILITY of skills are more than necessary, as identified in both the desk research and the survey results. This will serve to adequately concept the creation of the Integrated repository of skills
- The survey have identified the existing training schemes and also the skills gap, so this will be used to define the content and scope of the new training schemes to be developed within the project and that will be a part of BUS advisor App, to serve for the purpose of VALIDATION of skills
- The most important work in the next project phases should be focused on the VALUE of the skills and finding mechanisms to express the value and also to raise the demand for skills. This is very much expressed from the survey results.
D1.7 Final result oriented Report
This Report provides a valuable explanation of the SEEtheSkills results achieved during the three years of project implementation 2021-2024. It underlines the possibilities of the replication and further exploitation of the developed
innovative tools and solutions, that provide a variety of aspects of the energy skills and undercover the bunch of opportunities in terms of their visibility, validation and increased value.
This Report is a catalogue of values created and a call for delve into created pool of treasure assets of SEEtheSkills.
You are welcomed to experience our results.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101033743