
This page is dedicated for the e-Tools that will be developed for leveling the skills and linking them to the national and EU qualification standards. Within the Integrated Register of skills following functional tools will be provided

E-learning platform

offer a training schemes for a wide range of users without geographical constraints Check out the courses below by clicking Learn more

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The SEEtheSkills e-learning is available through BUILD UP Skills app.
SEEtheSkills e-learning platform provide 8 training courses and 6 gamified question sets.

Check how to access HERE



a training tool, where games help employees learn more quickly and easily

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Microlearning refers to acknowledging each and every “amount” of learning, even knowledge and skills obtained in 2-3 hours of experience at workplace or short trainings/webinars. Each of mentioned cases are very common in construction sector.

It can be find even in reading and following instructions for installation of certain product. Gamification itself, refers to creating positive experiences in these areas that might improve the morale and productivity of any workplace.

Check for more info here: https://seetheskills.eu/gamification/

Digital Badge

enable more easy mobility of staff, identify the need for upskilling of workers and empower company’s competitiveness

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Integration of the several databases has very important role – to facilitate management of included data, both personal (in term of individual competences), then organizational (in terms of capacities for EE construction of the companies that employ skilled workers or use energy efficient products) and finally to enable development and improvement through upskilling, certification and further qualification.

The Digital badge is being introduced as an innovative solution, undergoing certification as a certified trademark. This web-based solution is capturing every skill, knowledge, and competence a worker has acquired, along with information about their formal and non-formal education. It is listing all completed trainings, and, furthermore, this personal skills passport is aligning all learning outcomes with predefined minimum standards.


Find your craftsman

enables matching and finding professional with most adequate skills as required

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With a Professionals and Company Register in place, along with workers’ competencies organized according to the ULO database, searching through the Repository’s data becomes achievable. This facilitate matching and identifying professionals with the most suitable skills required, while also considering their geographical proximity and availability for engagement.

SEEtheSkills implemented existing functionality in the BUILD UP Skills advisor at national level.


process of recognition of previous learning based on set of steps and certification in digital environment

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The digital tool for self assessment is now available as web and mobile application at https://e-rpl.ks.org.mk/

More information about the e-RPL:

In terms of enabling e-learning process, and accepting the process of recognition of previous learning as legal path
for achievement of qualification and certification, this task will develop innovative service of e-RPL.

The idea is very pioneering and is planned in the light of global development toward digitalization. The process of recognition of previous learning is based on defined steps of identification, documentation, evaluation and certification and is completely compatible with the recommendations of the European Training Foundation. As so, it can be easily adjusted as on-line process, as the communication to identify the necessary skills, submitting documentation for evaluation, the evaluation of submitted documents and issuing certification can be realized through web-based platform for e-learning.

Application for self assessment of skills

is already up and runing to serve as mobile application facilitating the comparison of workers’ skills and qualifications

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Personal growth and professional development are based first on the awareness of person for possibilities for upskilling and carrier progress. In terms of powering another service that the Integrated repository of energy skills can support.

It is web based and connected to the ULO database of the repository that enable leveling of skills against predefined minimum standards and results with creation of report with eventual recommendation for upskilling through the training offer from BUS Advisor database.

POE (home self-evaluation tool)

can evaluate your home envelope, your heating and cooling system, your appliances and habits

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Post-occupancy evaluation is based on the idea that better living space can be designed by asking users about their needs. Many people associate POEs with a one-time online survey provided to occupants. A complete POE includes hard data as well as occupants’ satisfaction with the space. A full post-occupancy evaluation usually examines:

  • energy and water performance
  • performance of the indoor environment—air quality,  thermal comfort, acoustics, lighting, and ventilation
  • usability of systems and spaces
  • occupant behavior

The tool is being enriched with a new set of features, enabling local and national authorities to monitor unanimous results from citizens and respond appropriately. It is also serving as a database for Energy Performance Certificates (EPC).

Link to the POE tool (requires registration): https://poe.seetheskills.eu


BIM Tools

can have a significant role in identification of quality check, up-skilling needs, and increased EE level

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The link between energy skills and quality of construction will be presented by conducting case studies for measuring reduction of performance gap when using skilled workers and other EE measures. The tools used to emphases these benefits will be in BIM enviroment.

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