The Energy Management 2022 conference took place in the Grand Hotel Permon **** – Podbanské on April 7 – 8, 2022. The eighth year of the successful conference with the subtitle “The best energy is the one we don’t need to consume” was organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, STU Bratislava (STUBA) in cooperation with the Slovak Society for Environmental Engineering and with expert group SK AEE – Slovak Association of Energy Engineers, ASENEM – Association of Energy Managers and the Slovak-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The conference was attended by 170 participants, more than 10 leading companies and companies and several representatives of agencies and associations in the field of energy. The lectures were divided into five sections and were aimed at energy engineers, experts in the field of heating, science, and research and, last but not least, auditors, operators andn designers. A total of 32 valuable lectures were given at the conference on the topic of guaranteed energy services, energy efficiency in the application of alternative energy sources, legislation for energy managers and energy efficiency in industry and buildings in general.
The second day was held in the spirit of energy efficiency in industry and buildings. There were lectures on implemented projects from practice with interesting solutions in terms of energy and visions for the future. In this section – Tomáš Funtík presented Digital tools for sustainable and energy efficient construction including promotion of the SEEtheSkills project and its novelty 3V approach. He explained during the presentation that the goal of BIM is not the creation of the model itself, but using BIM is the only way to start a transition into digital era. Using the tools of 21st century allows to contribute to energy efficient European construction industry.
Reported by Ing. Tomáš Funtík, PhD, Slovak University of Technology