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D3.4 Concept of Professionals and Companies Register

< 1 min read

D3.4 Concept of Professionals and companies Register

In this report the concept Professional and Companies Register for EE-Skills in the EU is presented; including an overview of experiences and existing registers the consortium has built on. The Concept of Professionals and Companies Register enables inclusion of lists of skilled professionals in each of the partner countries, categorized in groups regarding qualifications for different occupations. Including links to employing companies and functionality for companies. For recognition of skills the qualifications will be based on a harmonised approach on the composition of Unit of Learning Outcomes. These Unit of
Learning Outcomes are the baseline of data entered in the Integrated register.
In selecting the best approach the team has described and discussed good practices of NEWCOM (ISSO) and TRAINEE (UKIM, ECM, BIM Academy) and several other EU projects that have already created digital registers of skilled professionals. Included in the concept are measures towards GPDR and functionality for linking with other parts of the Integrated repository and for data filtering, selecting and matching.

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